3 Answers
I've never seen, heard or felt a ghost in my presence (until recently-maybe?). I was at a woman's house a couple of months ago and the radio kept turning off and on and I could hear what sounded like someone rummaging through drawers and a few banging noises. When the lady came home I told her about what I experienced when I was alone and she informed she has a spirit in her house.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Wow that is scary Mrs,Ted,
bet you'll never stay alone in her house again.She should have told you about it before you came over.
My daughter thought she had one.Turned out to be a possum in her roof.LOL
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I think there's a logical explanation for a lot of those sounds that people hear in their house that they say are ghosts. Every spring, I have loud noises coming from the ceiling. My friend, Ron says it's the wood expanding.
I’ve heard them moving furniture around in the middle of the night. James has stories he could tell and I believe them……….
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Oh, no. And the dog in my room wouldn’t wake up. Just me alone. I had been warned they were there……..
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