    rules for smath game

    how do you play the game called smath?

    0  Views: 1595 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Game Description:
    The object of 'SMATH is to score points by making true math statements, called equations.
    Players place tiles on the board, trying to cover as many bonus squares as possible. Equations
    can be formed in two directions, horizontally or vertically, like the words in a crossword puzzle.

    Gameboard, storage bag, four tile racks, 6 of each numerical tiles (0 to 12), 10 blank tiles,
    36 = (equal) tiles, 9 + (addition) tiles, 9 - (subtraction) tiles, 9 x (multiplication) tiles, 9 (division)
    tiles, and 12 ( (bracket) tiles.

    SET UP:
    Separate all the tiles by carefully breaking them apart. Put the equal signs (=) and the clear
    brackets ( ) to the side. Players can use as many of these as they need. If any of the players
    do not know one or more of the operations, such as division (), remove those tiles from play.

    Put all the other tiles in the bag. Each player draws a tile. (If you do not draw a number,
    draw another tile.) The player with the highest number goes first. Return these tiles to the bag.

    Now each player draws 10 tiles and puts them on his rack. Don't let other players see your tiles!

    The first player places tiles on the board to form an equation so that the first or last tile rests
    on the start square. Players may use as many equal signs (=) and brackets ( ) as they need.
    For example:

    5 =5 2 + 3 = 5 12 - 7 = 5 1 +5= 2 x 3 = 12 - 6 (11 - 3) 2 = 2 x 2 + 0

    NOTE: Equations are read from left to right or from top to bottom.

    Each tile has a point value marked in the lower right corner. On the board, special squares,
    called bonus squares, increase the value of the tile or the whole equation. The first player
    adds up the value of the tiles used in the equation. If one or more tiles cover a bonus square,
    the score is increased as directed. Replace tiles from the bag to keep ten on the rack.

    The player to the left goes next. This player makes a new equation, using one of the tiles from
    the first equation. This can be done in two ways. A new equation can be formed or the first
    equation can be made longer.

    Example: New Equations Extended Equations
    first equation 2 + 3 = 5 2 + 3 = 5 = 7 - 2
    x or
    2 (3 - 1)(2 + 3) = 5 x 2
    = or
    10 (2) (2 + 3) = 5 x 2

    NOTE: The largest number on a tile is 12. You may not place two tiles next to each other
    to make a larger number.

    YES: 2 x 6 = 12 NO: 2 x 6=1 2

    Tiles can not be moved after they are played, but brackets can be put over a tile.

    Brackets: Players may use as many clear bracket tiles as they wish. These tiles are placed
    over the number tiles to show which operation comes first

    Example: (2 + 3) - (1 + 4) = means 5 - 5 = 0
    (Without brackets, 2 + 3 - 1 + 4 would equal 8, not 0.)

    Brackets can also be used to mean multiplication.
    Example: 2(2 + 3) = 5 x 2
    (12 4)(2 + 3) = 5 (2 +1)

    In this way the brackets will help a player when there are no multiplication signs on his
    or her rack.

    Blank Tiles:
    A blank tile may be used as any number or math sign. It remains that same number
    or sign for the rest of the game.

    A player may give up a turn. Then any or all tiles may be exchanged for new ones.

    A calculator or math book may be used to challenge an equation. If the equation is untrue,
    the player takes back the tiles and loses that turn. Calculators should be used for challenges only.

    Point Value:
    Point values are found on the lower right corner of each tile. Blanks, equal signs, and
    brackets have no point value. A player adds the value of all the tiles used in the new equation.
    This includes the tiles in an equation that has been made longer.

    Bonus Squares:
    Bonus squares increase scores. They double or triple the point value of either one tile
    or the whole equation. They count only the first time a player covers them with a tile.
    A player can use more than one bonus square in a turn. Point values are multiplied accordingly.

    10 Tile Bonus:
    A player who uses all ten of the tiles on his or her rack in one turn gets 25 extra points.

    Scoring Value of Pieces

    0's = 1 ....4's = 1 .....8's = 2 .....12's = 4 ...........x signs = 2
    1's = 1 .......5's = 1 ......9's = 4 ......+ signs = 1....... ( ) signs = 0
    2's = 1......... 6's = 2 ......10's = 1....... - signs = 1....... = signs = 0
    3's = 2 .........7's = 5 .......11's = 1 .......signs = 2 ............Blanks = 0

    The game ends when all the tiles have been played or when no other moves are possible.

    At the end of the game, each player subtracts the point values of the tiles on the rack from his or her total score.

    The player with the highest score wins!

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