    what is life

    0  Views: 788 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    A destination. You pick the path, choose what to follow, guide by your heart, and use your brain......

    Life is what you decide to make it.  It does not matter who you are, what you look like, how rich or poor you were as a kid.  What matters is what you decide today to be, to live, to act, to discover, to love, to hate etc.  Good Luck!

    life is outside, inside, and all around you, life, and death, this is what makes up the world. now go and pursue your dreams.

    You are life, and the thing you go about as if that thing were you is a body(form, manifestation of experiential existence, and pet) Your interactive toy, that you indwell, can’t survive very long without you directing every aspect of its existence. Many people seem to think they are the body so that they can be it, ,as if themselves and strive to leave the fact of their eternal life as a forgotten memory. Odd behavioral patterns emerge from the denial of eternal life and make odd circles of folk with similar beliefs and denials. Illusions replace reality and quests emerge for the purpose of giving themselves meaning and misery as the observer sees fit. You are life and how you choose to express yourself is in your hands as well as the effects of all your choices. You are the very life of your own playground here and you make it what it is to you.   

    Water Dragon


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