    How can I download my Iphone to my computer?

    0  Views: 494 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    You connect the iPhone to your computer by using the USB cable that came with the iPhone. If you are looking to download pictures from the iPhone to your computer, follow these instructions: 

    If you're using Windows XP, plug your iPhone into the computer. Windows XP has the ability to automatically detect your iPhone just like it does a scanner, printer or any other digital device.

    Click the Start button on the lower-left corner of your screen. Float your mouse over the programs menu. A list of submenus is displayed to the right. Again, float your mouse onto the accessories button. Point to the scanner and camera wizard and double click on it. The wizard will help you copy pictures from your iPhone to your computer.

    Double check that your iPhone is properly connected and is switched on. Select your iPhone from a list that will appear on the "Select device" window. Click on the advanced users link if you prefer to manually download your pictures, or click next on the "Welcome to scanner and camera wizard" window for the automatic upload. This method guides you through the upload process.

    If you're using Windows Vista, plug your iPhone into your computer. Windows Vista will detect your gadget and provide you with a series of options for the next step. Click the "Import pictures" option to begin the download process. You should have a keyword tag to help you easily find your pictures after they have been uploaded on your computer.

    When the pictures have been copied onto your computer, Windows Vista opens the photo gallery to show you the photos.

    If you're using a Mac, plug your iPhone into your computer. Open image capture on your Mac, which is found on the application folder or utilities folder, after which it will detect you iPhone. You can choose to download some or all of the pictures to your Mac.

    Read more: How to Download Pictures From Your iPhone to Your Computer | eHow

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