    I purchased weed and grass killer to get out dandilyons in my grass. I didn't mean to kill my grass. However the product worked very well on killing my grass. The dandillyons came back in full force the day. Now I have brown spots all over my yard. How can I correct this problem?

    0  Views: 707 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: grass

    2 Answers

    You purchased weed and grass killer but didn't mean to kill your grass? Well you are going to have to wait a few weeks for the poison to leave the lawn. Flush the lawn daily with water to try and remove the poison. You may have to till the soil to disperse the chemicals from the weed and grass killer. Then after a few weeks, reseed and hope new grass will grow. Call the company that made the weed and grass killer and let them know their product works great to kill grass but fails at killing the dandelion weed.

    I would wash and wash the lawn this should have never happen you know when you put on the weed killer did you do it all over the lawn you should only what they say spot on the weeds I don't think you will get any compo on this but do take photos on this and show them do not let your animals if you have any on that that lawn as if they do it could poison them also just a quick note get next time weed and feed where you can put all over the lawn and it does kill the weeds you will get brown spots where the weeds were thank you

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