    how do you tell if you are gay

    +2  Views: 1030 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    This reminds me of the scene in 2 and 1/2 Men, where Charley goes to his ( female ) psychiatrist, and says, " Is it possible to be gay and not know it" ?

    7 Answers

    Age really plays a factor here to know if you are or if perhaps you are just going through confusion due to puberty  I really can not answer this without knowing your age. If you are young, I'd rather you not say your age. The only thing I can say for sure is if you are gay, you will know once you get past the confusion you feel right now. Here are some webpages you can read through that may help you

    Go on the 6 O'Clock News.


    How does this answer the question?

    It could be made public, as the football player did when he "came out".

    That was the choice of the football player because he knows for sure he is. This person is questioning. It may be a joke to you but this is someone's life.

    It is a relief to admit you are gay because it is inclusive of others rather than rejecting of those who are the same sex as you are. Gay does not mean that you reject those who are not your own sex. To me, accepting everyone lovingly is transcendent of the entire issue and inclusive. I love the one I’m with.  

    Believe me if you are asking this question you are almost there ....

    Do  YOU  think you are? 

    just act people will read between the lines, I am sure it will work for you.

    If you act on your impulses, then you are gay. If you don't act on them, you are not gay .


    What do you mean with impulses?

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