    FAREWELL TO Raider_retired3_29_11

    I know there comes a time when we all must go on to better things and higher heights, your present will truly be missed from this site my dear friend. Whatever your dreams and endeavors are I wish you very much success, and may all your dreams come true. I send you much Love, Peace, and Happiness always and forever!!!

    +4  Views: 1628 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago


    Raider, I only just started to get to know you and now you're leaving. Too bad. You are one of the good ones. Take care bud. Best of everything to you always.


    Bye Raider!


    My, friend you can call on me anytime, if there is anything humanly possible that I can do for you consider it done. Again goodbye, I got a plane to catch.

    ole hipster

    Adios amigo

    8 Answers

    we will certainly miss you and your highly regarded answers as well as questions and comments, with you gone it will be a tough void to fill!
    godpeed and good luck in all your endevers!!

    Am i nuts or is there more than 1 Raider on this site?

    Headless Man

    Guess not, Happy retirement Raider.

    @Raider, I'm sorry to see you go, hope you stop in from time to time just to visit. I've enjoyed your questions and answers you have some really great points! Thank you for your encouragement, I will miss your great research and your personal wisdom.

    May you do great thing in all of your future endeavors! Peace.

    @RAIDER hope to hear from you soon... You will be missed. Lots of Love.

    Raider I am still relatively new at this but you are my favorite and I will miss you terribly. Please take care and may God Bless you in everything. I am very very sad to see you leave.....


    Raider it's been a pleasure meeting you. I am confident your fingertips will carry you back here sooner than later - that's how it's always been with us akaqas :)

    Enjoy your leave.

    Well Raider I didn't know you very well.Have a great time GOD BLESS YOU.

    he was a little intimidating with some of his replies, perhaps he was to intelligent for this site.

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