6 Answers
Police negligence methinks.
BTW, it doesn't just happen in Cleveland, you'd be surprised if all the crap was revealed.
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Click on these links >
I imagine people in the neighbourhood were just trying to get through their days... It does not look like the most pleasant place to live. I read an article that stated a lot of the houses on that particular street are boarded up. People in the neighbourhood are saying all sorts of things.... not quite as colourful as Mr. Ramsey in the first link.
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I've lived in my neighborhood for 20 years+ What they do is something I don't know! Thank heavens these women are free now! None of them were over 20 when abducted! I hope those men fry in hell! My point is you don't know whats going on next door! And this may give hope to some families whose children have been missing for years!
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I don't understand how they can be missing for 10 years and then all of a sudden show up. I know there's an explanation for this, some kind of 'syndrome' where after awhile they become comfortable with their captors and surroundings. I think we had another one like that a few years ago. Elizabeth Smart.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

That poor girl had 5 pregnancies terminated by him punching her in the stomach.The prosecutors are saying that they are going for the death penalty but this a**hole will get to spend 10 years on death row in relative comfort compared to what he subjected these girls to.The death penalty is too good for him,but what are the alternatives?
Where is Cleveland Rick when you need him. ? He was here last week.
We used to go down to the Cleveland area often, when my husb was still alive. It was his hometown, and his children and gr. chlidren and sisters still live in the burbs. I wonder too, why it took 10 years for the police to hear of those girls. The perps probably had a rap sheet as long as your arm. Seems that when the girls first turned up missing, if the police set some good hound dogs on their trail, he would have found them.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |