    can you leave me alone

    like never apere again

    0  Views: 793 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers


    No, I can not.  I sit and think and think and think and the next thing that happens .... well, I obviously don't have to tell you.


    Have a super nice day by the way.


    Yes, sooooo mousey ;)


    He's a pretty little squeeker too idn't he?
    I could not get enough of this album!
    I could listen to it right now and get charged up.
    "Clean as a whistle. Smellin like a rose...."
    (What is "The Journey This Time"? I must know, I must, I must!


    :D The here and now.

    There really are no words. :(

    ! No, no, no.

    And, now I have a new song stuck in my head.

    There's no use talking at all.

    There are no words because they haven't been invented yet.
    Nothing can describe what those three women went through.


    Absolutely. I hope that they are provided with an atmosphere of healing and not a supporting of denial.
    All want to get on with life and forget the pain endured while we're in survival mode. Reality is that we all don't have people we can go to or people who recognize the symptoms.
    Some deny the symptoms for the sake of not being seen as crazy or weak within their social circles.

    Time does not heal all wounds. Wounds must be cleaned and disinfected during the open window of time provided before the scab forms, then falls off to reveal the scar.

    What's left under the skin is a direct result of how well, or how seriously this time period is treated. Although, many have been able to re-open old wounds as necessary in order to find healing and inner peace later on in life. Usually, the pain from years of denial has to be greater than or equal to the pain initially suffered.

    No one wants to open old wounds, or "open up the can of worms" unless it's absolutely necessary for personal survival. We adopt coping skills; some are healthy and some are not. Some are helpful, some are destructive and all are based on the pain-relief we receive from the behaviors we adopt to 'help' us through.

    The help we are given by the life around us makes all the difference. If it proves to be trustworthy and understanding it can provide solace. When it provides a solution to our problems, then the pain is no longer a symptom that makes us want to stop time. We can live and walk through it. We can see ourselves in others and offer our unique understanding and hope and pray that they are willing to seek for the solution which will cleanse their re-opened wounds.
    A faith that works...
    Body, Mind, Spirit

    conversationally speaking of course :)


    Very well said. Curiously you have helped me with something as the anniversary of my sister's death is almost here. One never knows where the words we need to hear or read will come from. Thanks :)

    Why are you here? No one here is bothering you that I can see. 

    Not a chance .Pester,pester,pester.


    Another pest! IOUTU! :)

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