    Any ideas what the cause is of cramp in the calf mussel, or what a good treatment might be.

    +5  Views: 1040 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    Blood pressure mate, get it checked, I took Quinine for a while until my doc stopped the script, not good for you long term seemingly.


    Oh thanks Romos, i didn't realise it could be blood pressure, I do take a small dose of medication for blood pressure anyway, so may have to have a word with the doc to increase the dosage. My wife said quinine was a good treatment, and gave me a glass of tonic water which she says would help. It work me early Sun morning terrible pain, it was painful for a couple of hours after I got up, but strangly I went out for a bike ride and it went off completly .

    Exercise is good too, I take BP meds daily, the quinine really helped, fortunately it hasn't been so bad lately.

    @ROMOS....My blood pressure is excellent. I've been getting cramps in my calf muscles since I was in my teens. So, what's wrong with me. (Don't make a list!)

    It's an age thing, you were young, and now you're OLD and a prude.

    Thank you dear friend.

    Dave do you still suffer from muscle cramps?  In the USA, pickle juice is sold in a sports bottle to drink because it's a cheap alternative to buying expensive (over the counter) medications and it's suppose to relieve cramps within a couple of minutes. We use pickles/gherkins in our potato salad and deviled eggs. When the pickles are gone, I drink the juice. Maybe you could try drinking pickle juice to see if it helps you.

    ....stretch before bed ?

    Nom is right. My mother would tell you to eat some potassium. Lack of causes cramps……...

    I have the same problem but have been unable to find a cure.  Some say bananas, some say it is due to dehydration, some say tonic water (contains quinine). I even heard someone say it is simply a side-effect of being alive.

    Please help, someone!


    Yes as I said to Romos, my wife says tonic water is good for it, I eat a banana every day anyway. It's very painful I think I may have woken my whole village up yesterday shouting with the pain.

    Abnormally stressing the muscle. Either chemically, or physically . Sports drink will help.  

    Sunny i would love to no the cure to this problem..i get them bad first thing in the morning,and always in the calf muscle,,i am also medicated for Blood Pressure,,i do 20klms 5 nights a week,when i finish i get calf cramps and dizzy,,JH said use Potassium, well i have 2 banana's a day and that's a fair dose of Potassium..Do not know about Quinine...i have Diabetes 2, and i do not drink enough water which may also play a part,,and my doctor says best thing i can do is drink more water,if your urine is yellow,there is a good chance you do not drink enough water,,mine is never any other colour..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    It's the lack of Magnesium

    I try to drink half my body weight in ozs of water a day, 200 lbs= 100 ozs of water eat a banana a day and get some gator ade or something that has electrolytes in it. Haven't had cramps in quite awhile.

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