    Assalam alaikum, 3yrs ago a man proposed to me and sent his family on his behalf to ask my hand in marriage from my father, but he refused just because we are of different nationality, even though he knows that the man and his family are good practising muslims ( sunni islam). We love each other for Allah's sake as he taught me arabic before he travelled and i really want to marry him because of his deen and character. My question is can we marry with an islamic judge being my wali and then trav

    0  Views: 412 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    You should consult an Imam about this. Go to your nearest mosque. 

    This is a difficult question to answer without knowing which country or prevailing culture you both intend living in. Have you both decided where?

    Will you get beaten or abused if you do ? Some cultures will react that way. Do what your heart wants to do !!!!


    zorro - or what Colleen has said to do - I am not sure about the reactions or thoughts of the culture.

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