    Should girls ask guys for his phone number?? Does he like me?

    Ok Im a hostess at a bar/restaurant. Sometimes I pair up with another host named Jay. When I first met him' he stared right in my eyes for a while. Now we talk to each other. Once he asked me to keep him company when his shift was down and he wanted to share a meal with me. He even gave me his card to pay for it! While we ate, he asked me old I was, am I going to school. We talked about everything. His voice becomes very calm & hes serious when he talks to me(Hes usually loud & silly). He even holds the door open for me & he always jokes around with me & acts silly around me. Whenever we walk by each other he will stare then smile at me!! But one day when I was coming in to get my check, my supervisor came up to me & told me that Jay thinks Im hot and he wants to take me out. I asked him if Jay really said that. My supervisor said no & he was joking. But then he asked me if I was single(yes I am), if I liked anyone there(I didnt tell him who!). Then he asked me if I liked Jay. I said as a friend. I wonder why he asked me all those questions? WHen me and Jay were talking, my supervisor walked by & said Get it Jay! Jay playfully told him to shut up. And it turns out my job is low on hours & I wont be working for while. So I wont see Jay much. Is it ok if I asked Jay for his number? Im nervous because Im not sure how he feels about me. DO you think he likes me?

    +1  Views: 633 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    You should have learned an important life lesson, grasshopper.

    GoodGirls don't ask boys for their phone numbers. You said you have a lot of boy problems. A good way to eliminate them is to stop looking for trouble. You went into shark infested waters and got a finger bitten off your hand. Do you go back to see what gets bitten off next?

    There is a saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

    Shame on you.


    Do you know Wayne Zarn,Dick Riger,and the husband and wife team ,Robinson,

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