    What is your best memory in your chilhood about ♥♥ love ♥♥ !!! u wanna share it for me !!!!!

    +3  Views: 2312 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: love

    6 Answers

    Always loved my dogs, and Vice Versa!



    lol it's funny..

    .....yeh, yeh,sure KOTF you KNOW it's the fleasens yer after !! rotfs (rolling on the floor scratching) lol

    In retrospect, it would have to be memories of my siblings and parents...............

    Well,its like kinda like, Gulp.Blush,and i feel,all kinder all hot ,and things,


    You can be such a bratty brat sumtimes hector5559!! lol ;D

    I remember when my neighbor friends' Cree Gramps learned that all my grandparents had passed away and I was only @ 7, he looked me in the eyes and told me that I was his new Grand-daughter...I fell in love with him right there and love him still very much tho' he too has gone to the great beyond. Thanks for asking. Peace.



    Your story warms my heart, lindilou, and reminds me of our good friend and neighbor, Sam. He had a ranch, with greyhound dogs and a couple of horses, one a beautiful, golden Palomino. He died when I was in third grade. My BFF told me that morning before the bell rang. I was so upset, I went into the office and called for Mom to come get me. Sobbing like the child I was. My teacher found me, took me to class, and made an example of me, saying I had experienced a death for the first time in my life, but I was going to be strong and stay in class. I really did NOT like her after that. She went out of state at Christmas break, fell ill, and died. Talk about karma.

    I remember being in elementary school, home sick with measles, mumps, or was it chicken pox. Second grade, and standing at the back door where the school bus stopped to drop off the kids who lived down the street a bit.  There was Charlie, waving to me from the bus.  
    Not too long after, my dad planned an overnight trip to San Francisco, the highlight being a SF Giants' baseball game.  He told me I could bring a friend; remembering that wave, I asked if I could invite Charlie.  My dad (and mom) said OK, and called his folks, who also said OK.  
    We had the best time being two KIDS, and our friendship has lasted over 50 years and counting.  


    How good is that? Fantastic! How come you never married Charlie? Or am I being too romantic? I just love happy endings.:)

    I was completely undesirable, and he ended up in continuation school (where he graduated). No one saw or heard from him for years. For our 40th reunion, my best friend and I decided to go out to dinner and skip the festivities (our class was very cliquish). I must have connected with Charlie on Facebook, and I finally convinced him to have dinner with our elementary school friend and me. We had a great time, and decided to make a grand entrance at the reunion. My friend and I were greeted warmly, but everyone crowded around Charlie. Many thought he had died a horrible death, and our elementary school "kids" ended up in a group, making plans for a brunch the following weekend when Mark would be here from Colorado for his mom's 80th birthday. It was a great reunion the following weekend. I love these people, and still see my best friend every week and talk to one of the guys nearly every week. Love isn't always romantic. :D

    Nice story Bob.You remind me of my youngest daughter.She befriends people & they are friends for life.

    You told me recently I reminded you of Maggie. Is it possible we are related somehow (8 ways from Kevin Bacon)?

    Yeah well,Maggie & our daughter are very similar as you might imagine.Yes we will have to try & work out our 6 degrees of separation.:)

    6! That will be interesting. I like bacon and have a cousin named Kevin. Are we close yet?

    I like bacon AND have a cousin named Kevin.WOW! I think we're getting there.

    My best memory in childhood about love was that my father truly loved my mother.  That made me feel stable and secure.  Plus my mother had and still does have great respect for her eight kids.  My mom made sure we learned good manners, how to draw and how to have fun. That seemed like love to me. Today my brothers and sisters are very smart  and creative, a little crazy too.

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