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11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Ho,decision decsion,I would like a cat ,But would my bulldog take to it,he chases cats in the garden at the moment,????????

They get used to each other. I know lots of people who have both...they only fight when they first meet...like some of us here. lol
Well it looks like you've made up your mind. I think cats are cheaper to take care of than dogs.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Wanna see my monthly cat bills;-?...£200 on food,litter etc...Insurance for now 9 of them ..starting at£8 a month...up to the older ones £15 each..immunizations...collars..toys!...The only thing that saves me money is no school fees or demands for pocket money!!LOL!!;-)
No way Miss C!...We have 10..but Debra is day 18 missing.."try cutting back to one"?!;-(...You have to be joking!..The kids will be first out before the cats go!!LOL!
Holy Catnip! Are these house cats? We have lots of cats but ours are farm cats outdoors and yes they have cozy beds for winter!
lol..yep it`s a lot..but we are lucky enough to have one huge communal garden..so they spend a lot of time playing and adventuring outside which they love..it`s not one big stinky cat home we live in!;-)..They show up for meals and cuddles..they treat it like a bed and brek!!:-)They have it made!!!;-)
@clu..yes mostly named by the kids...so some are a bit weird names for cats!;-)Lizzie,Ben,Charlie,Sabrina,Tommy,Hamish(ie),Debra doo..(Missing right now..and SO missed)!:-(Titch,Tiny..(Who is now huge..he eats everyone elses` food as well as his own!..I think that`s all of them..but they ALL have middle names and nicknames..so very confusing in our household..I`m always calling kids by cat names and vice verse!lol.
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