    what is the meaning of hope

    +2  Views: 839 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Hope is the state which promotes the belief in an outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Despair is often regarded as the opposite of hope. Hope is the "feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best" or the act of "looking forward to something with desire and reasonable confidence" or "feeling that something desired may happen.

    hope |h??p|
    noun [ mass noun ]
    1 a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen: he looked through her belongings in the hope of coming across some information | [ count noun ] : I had high hopes of making the Olympic team.
    • [ count noun ] a person or thing that may help or save someone: their only hope is surgery.
    • grounds for believing that something good may happen: he does see some hope for the future.
    2 archaic a feeling of trust.
    verb [ no obj. ]
    want something to happen or be the case: he's hoping for an offer of compensation | [ with clause ] : I hope that the kids are OK.
    • [ with infinitive ] intend if possible to do something: we're hoping to address all these issues.
    hope against hope cling to a mere possibility: they were hoping against hope that he would find a way out.
    hope for the best hope for a favourable outcome: I'll just wait at home and hope for the best.
    hope springs eternal ( in the human breast ) proverb it is human nature always to find fresh cause for optimism.
    not a hope ( in hell ) informal no chance at all: he hasn't got a hope in hell of winning next year.
    some hope Brit. informal used to convey that there is very little chance that something will happen: he predicted a new world order in which nations would learn to live happily with their neighbours. Some hope! .
    hoper noun
    ORIGIN late Old English hopa (noun), hopian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hoop (noun), hopen (verb), and German hoffen (verb).

    I dislike to use “hope” in conversation because I consider hope to be the weakest form of desire. I use “hope” most often as a parting remark to escape the scene soon….as in…” I hope to see you again, real soon.” when leaving boring or argumentative company.    


    yes...hope...hollow, hollow hope....

    Hope is what we cling to..when things aren`t going good!...Where there is life..there is always just have to try and stay upbeat and believe that things will get better!:-)


    How very true millie 111,

    Keepin' the Faith darlin' !!! 8) Be Well Doll!

    Still sending all my hope to you! You can do it Mills! Time to come back out of that coma! Your kids, family, people friends and furry friends are all waiting oxoxoxox

    When I use the word "hope", I am expressing a desired response, action, or resolution.

    "I hope he gets the promotion."  It is my desire he gets the promo.

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