    i accidently deleted an important vidio on my ipad how can i get it back

    i deleted the wrong thing and  i need to get it back

    0  Views: 918 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: apple ipad

    1 Answer

    Solution to Restore Videos or Images from iPhone/iPad/iPod
    If you just deleted your videos or images on your iPhone, iPad and iPod, and they aren't physically damaged, you can restore them as long as the original data is not overwritten. The easy way to solve solve this problem is to use data recovery software, like iDisksoft Data Recovery . It is comprehensive data recovery software that allows users to recover deleted photos, music and video files from basic format to high-end raw image formats which includes JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, PNG, BMP, GIF, CRW, CR2, NEF, SR2, SRF, ORF, MRW AVI, MP4, MP3, WAV, WMV, MPEG, MOV, AAC, etc. Disk iDisksoft Data Recovery can quickly locate and restore deleted or lost photo and video files to make sure you perform video and image recovery smoothly with only a few steps. It's also better for you to preview your deleted images to check if all the images you deleted are recoverable.

    Step1. Run iDisksoft Data Recovery and choose “Partition Recovery” Mode.
    Step2. Choose your iPhone, iPad or iPod to search for lost videos and images.
    Step3. Select “Quick Search” or “Completely Search” to continue.
    Step4. Select scan methods – “Deleted Recovery” to begin scan or “Deep Recovery” to continue to select file types – Video and Photo to scan.
    Step5. Select your recoverable videos and images to save.

    Tips to Restore Videos and Images 
    1. When selecting a recovery path, do not save undeleted files on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod directly. You can first save to your PC, then you can copy or send to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod, in order to avoid data overwriting. 
    2. You can preview images in the preview window above the list column, or double click the image to preview it in a large window. 
    3. The scan results are temporary in memory. If you click Back, the scan results will be lost. 



    is there a way to recover them without downloading any thing
    just wondering

    No, even the second option requires a download. See here >


    ok thank you very much but they dont have a virus do they

    That I can not tell you as I've never used the program. I just search for answers based on a person's question. If you have a good anti virus, it should stop the download if there is a virus present.

    ok thank you very much coleen ohh and by the way someo ne took your akaQA name just lettin ya know

    Yes, I know people try to use my name but those accounts get suspended if they use the name to try and pretend to be me.

    thanks again colleen

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