    I found out on New Years day that my husband and his friend took my best friend and another chick with them to go watch them play music on New Years Eve. My husband didn't get home until the next morning. When I asked him where he had went he told me that him and his friend went to go jam. Then later on that day my best friend came over while I was cooking dinner and asked me how come I didn't go. I told her that I wasn't invited and that I didn't even know where my husband went. I was so hurt

    0  Views: 1039 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    Your friend was sitting on your husband's lap. Your husband is receiving text messages and they are talking about YOU. Your husband has stayed in a motel and it was not with you.

    Your question is what?


    it didn't print the whole thing. Let me try again. Thanks

    I don't think we need any more details. He's cheating on you! Either you will put up with that or you will not! If not, say goodbye. If so, why?

    Sounds like quite a charming gallant you have there.

    Maybe he did go jamming, but not relating to music in any way.  Throw him to the curb!  He jammed a date into his busy schedule...

    By the way i feel sorry for you, i think why you were not invited is because ur husband was, so they must of thought that you was coming along with him. but maybe they could of invited you just incase

    muito triste mesmo


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