    does hho work ?

    Hydrogen on demand

    0  Views: 1949 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Just checking was a trick question lol no real bad thoughts on the idea. I've been working with it for eight years now and have had a lot of good results. It seems the public is just afraid of Hydrogen. All we were ever taught about it was the Hindenburg then disaster always follows. They don't realize how much fuel all auto manufactures are sending out the tailpipe. A good hint would be the catalytic converter it is designed to burn all the raw fuel before it goes out the tailpipe.In the 30's & 40's at 15 cents a gallon they would hook a spark plug to the tailpipe and blow flames for fun. I have seen 41% increase in mpg and have over 25K miles on my motor home witch only got a 21% increase in mpg. I now have it on my Harley more then 10K on it four tractor trailers and several other cars with nothing but good reports on them. At $4.00 plus a gallon you would think people would look at this a little harder. Other then more mpg they start better then ever run cooler and a lot more power. This a unit in my 1998 Eldorado.


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