    my son recently bought a laptop with win7 installed. then for whtever reason hedecided to install a new OS, winXP. he partitioned the thing to install it, & now he's lost some very important drivers. what's he , & what(if anything!)can he do to reteive them. thanx to anyone with any idea's...

    0  Views: 321 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Why did he do that? Windows XP is outdated. It's one of the older systems. Windows 7 is the more up to date version. Tell him to remove XP and re-install win7. 

    Sounds like you need an OS that will show him how to operate the computer. Linux OS is easy to install and provides lots of help along the way. Many versions are free + shipping and is adaptive to an ever widening range of toys and tools.


    Because, Colleen(thanx very much for answering me mate), he's a prat. he come's in last week with this laptop he'd bought for £40. thinking he's got the 'sale of the century', i asked the obvious, "well whats wrong with it"(u know what i mean Colleen, for that b____y price). he said nothing, then early last week it all made sense, the installed OS win 7 was not genuine. so without asking anybody 4 help he decided to just install XP & partion the 7 into a drive he made up. Colleen , is it worth us trying to do something with it? or do tell he's learn't a hard lesson? Ps this isn't 1 of those (oh my best mate jobby type thing's!!Lol). i wish u could see the little s__t sat nxt 2 me laughing, his names Jason. bye 4 now but i hope u will answer me again with any kind of idea's Colleen, bye duck


    Right, there's things he can try if he can put things back the way they were.Drivers can always be replaced. He needs to put win7 back in. He can purchased a key from Microsoft to authenticate the win 7. He just needs to tell them he purchased it second hand. They will ask for the identification numbers. He will need those off the tags on the computer. If they are gone, Microsoft can tell him how to find the numbers on the computers inner files. Personally, I would say scrap it but at least try Microsoft first. See here for live support >

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