    what is shaif

    0  Views: 552 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer


    Shar?f (Arabic: ????‎ šar?f) or Chérif (Darija: Chorfa) is a traditional Arab tribal title given to those who serve as the protector of the tribe and all tribal assets, such as property, wells, and land. In origin, the word is an adjective meaning "noble", "highborn". The feminine singular is sharifa(h) (Arabic: ?????‎ šar?fah). The masculine plural is Ashraf (Arabic: ?????‎ ?ašr?f).
    Sunnis in the Arab world reserve the term sharif for descendants of Hasan ibn Ali, while sayyid is used for descendants of Husayn ibn Ali. Both Hasan and Husayn are grandchildren of Prophet Muhammad, through the marriage of his cousin Ali and his daughter Fatima. However ever since the post-Hashemite era began, the term sayyid has been used to denote descendants from both Hasan and Husayn. Shiites use the terms sayyid and habib to denote descendants from both Hasan and Husayn; see also ashraf.
    From 1201 until the Hejaz was conquered by Ibn Saud in 1925, this family held the office of the Shar?f of Mecca, often also carrying the title and office of King of Hejaz. Descendants now rule the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the name being taken from the Banu Hashim, the sub-tribe of Banu Quraish, to which Prophet Muhammad belonged.
    In Morocco, several of the regnal dynasties have been qualified as "Sharifian", being descendants of Prophet Muhammad. Today's Alaouite dynasty has made claims to be Sharifian.
    The word has no etymological connection with the English term sheriff, which comes from the Old English word sc?rgerefa, meaning "shire-reeve", the local reeve (enforcement agent) of the king in the shire (county).

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