    hi, I do have some doubt about something. If a Doctor is saying that a patient have lack of insight into his/her illness, there is any further comment/argument even to deny it with evidence that a patient can add to it?

    the capacity is being defined as follow: capacity as the ability to understand information relevant to a decision and the ability to appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of a decision or lack of a decision.  How to challenge a doctor about this if he/she saying that a person is incapable?

    0  Views: 361 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    I'm having difficulty understanding what you mean or what you are asking. I will suggest to you though, that doctors are NOT always correct in their diagnoses nor their opinions. If you have doubts about what you are being told, check elsewhere. In addition, do some research on your own.

    No point in arguing with your doctor.he obviously believes he's a whole lot smarter than you.Get another doctor & a second opinion.WBMS.

    get a second opinion! 30 years ago the doctor ld me i only had a few months to live because my heart and  lungs were too  damaged  ..asnd a couple of months ago my son was diadnosed with liver cancer.After undergoing tests at universirty of tennessee we learned that he had lesions on his liver from taking adhd drugs as a child.i am sitting here typing this so i must still be here!!!!

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