3 Answers
You are not legally a member of a certain race of people? How does this make sense? Are you trying to say that you are not a legal Australian citizen?
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I know that in your "neck of the woods", "Indians" in CT had to be legally designated as such for casino gambling. The Indian population increased overnight when the thought of casino gambling was raised. Maybe it's the same concept for "legalization" for "georgey1."
I am an Australian citizen and my grandfather was an aboriginal, I would like to tick the box for my licence but I do not know if I have to prove anything and if so, what with?

OK, I am a US citizen so I do not know if claiming a heritage makes a difference in your country. Here in the States, as Clonge observed, there has to be documented proof in order to claim American Indian status. I'm going to bet the same holds true for Australians.
Check out this link but be forewarned...it is a wordy document >>> http://www.alrc.gov.au/publications/36-kinship-and-identity/legal-definitions-aboriginality
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
hi mate,,,you were born in australia, that makes you aussie,,,when you apply for a license, they may ask if you are of aboriginal or torres strait islander hereitage,,,and you will have to aquire a certain amount of points,,,e.g....tax file number,credit card,rates notice,passport,birth certificate,,,,, good luck mate,,,,
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
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