    How do you put a stove gas line through drywall?

    New construction - finishing basement into apartment: The gas line for the gas stove has been installed. Time now for the drywall on the walls. Is there something we need to keep in mind for height of the gas line from the floor, or can we go ahead and pull the gas line through the drywall anywhere we wish?

    0  Views: 828 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    I can't find anything that holds you back from positioning where you want to, gas stoves in the UK must be connected by a qualified gas technician though.


    Thank you, ROMOS. I have used a qualified gas technician to run the gas line, and will have him back to connect the fittings and such to the new stove.
    We cut an inch diameter hole in the drywall, about six inches up from the dry core floor, and fed the generous extra line left by the gas fitter through it.
    I appreciate your answer: it gave me the confidence to continue the project. Kudos!

    Best bet, check your local codes. You can get them from the dept you got the building permit from. 


    Many thanks, Colleen, for your answer. I will double check with the planning department when their office opens tomorrow that we have done the right thing today.
    Sometimes, it is hard to wait for municipal offices to be open, when one is eager to use one's free time to make progress on a project.
    Again, thanks for taking the time to respond.

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