10 Answers
How on the planet would we manage to do such a thing? We (The collective populace of Earth) are mere mortals... the 'suicide bomber' is not of this mortal coil any longer.
Maybe I am missing the point.
"Suicide" is the act of taking one's life. ... A "suicide" bomber would be dead, finito, kaput. Now please, correct me if I am wrong, any act such as this, where the 'bomber' is still alive after the action is complete is labeled, "An act of terrorism" ... or, "A terrorist act" ... or, "A criminal offense" ... or... well you get my point.
Tabby-Tabs, I am not 'getting this one'. :(
12 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Hmmmmm! Sometimes I wonder. Did you think about this question before you posted it? Let's leave it at that.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
YEAH!! I think they should pick up the blown up pieces of the suicide bomber, glue em back together and then hang the SOB.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Asilly answer to a stoopid question.
In your after-life life, if you are looking for some revenge on the bomber we have them in what you would consider to be a prison cell…not hell. They are kept there for as long as it takes for everyone who would seek revenge to give-up on the idea of revenge. Their time is spent in prayer for all those who suffered by those actions and their relatives and loved ones also. Spiritual rules regarding your physical life and death are completly fair, open and honest. The imposition of harm for harm is from man’s sence of isolation from God and Heaven. Just as silly as the day it was dreamed up by man…and untrue.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |