    parents moved up from cities area and my mom is looking for someone that share the same intrests she dose she is an artist loves to paint sketch water colors she is very creative looking for someone to spend some time with and she in what she likes to do any sugestions

    0  Views: 585 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    What about joining a local art club or craft club if there are any in your area.

    There are thousands of art groups with millions of supporters globally. Art on-line is a very big deal and well worth exploring. Explore first, and learn how things work for your benefit. Your computer is a window on the whole world. You might take a look at " search the web” in Google.

    There are all kinds of groups to join. If they don't work, quit. If they do work, more power to you. Let your mom decide.......

    You should let your mom do her own searching for a partner. 

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