1 Answer
Based on mail response, there may be some confusion on what treble really is. Obviously our definition of frequency ranges are arbitrary, but treble starts - per definition - at 1280 Hz, that is "lower treble". Mid-treble is 2560-5120 Hz and upper-treble 5120-10240 Hz. What's above is "top octave". So, in most 2-ways the midbass is often handling the lower treble area and sometime going into mid-treble too. Getting the upper-mid/lower-treble range right is to my experience of pivotal importance for making good sound. Lower treble is the area where many 6-8 inch drivers start beaming and where tweeter units have extreme dispersion, thus the variation in dispersion is often an issue in making a happy marriage of midbass and tweeter. 2 inch mid-domes or small 3-4" conventional drivers can sometimes be a good idea in bridging the gap in radiating diameters of 6-7" midbass drivers and 1" domes. Problem is complexity of crossover and added cost. SP44, SP38 and Ekta are examples of this approach.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |