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2 Answers
Good info and video here >http://www.haydenplanetarium.org/resources/ava/stars/S0606neutcoll
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
the speed of revolution is dictated by there mass and distance apart.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Yeah...I saw a news clip(forget where) which said that 2 recently discovered neutron stars were orbiting each other at about the speed of light...seems hard to believe(hence my question)..
can you put any numbers to their masses and separation?
can you put any numbers to their masses and separation?
i have no data on that however ,to attain that sort of speed they would have to be impossibly close and would fall foul of the extremely high gravitational forces.
it could also be that one is a great deal smaller than the other and revolving the other at a high speed.speed of light or even close is highly questionable.i would be interested in your source of info.
it could also be that one is a great deal smaller than the other and revolving the other at a high speed.speed of light or even close is highly questionable.i would be interested in your source of info.

Below reply moved to where it goes.
Can't remember I'm afraid-hence my plea here(thought it would have been general news)I,m subscribed to-Daily galaxy,Nasa,Esa and Hubble,but don't give them enough attention.(.I'm away a lot)I'm just an interested layman.When I saw-whatever it was,and it was in the last 2 weeks,I thought that if the speed was about that of light,and as they were not in contact,then they could escape.

i`m still dubious about the speed of light here. the einstein equation of e=mc2 comes into play here and solid mass of what ever size is impossible.i`ll do some nosing around to see if i can come up with anything.

below comment moved to where it belongs.
Karma: 15
Thanks.I have a feeling it may have been just a para within an article,so less easy to come upon without a lot of reading(but I have tried)

Karma: 15
Thanks.I have a feeling it may have been just a para within an article,so less easy to come upon without a lot of reading(but I have tried)
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