    Let me rejoin this site please! You have seen my other accounts be made and I was helpful! You are just rude! You need to let me back on!

    +2  Views: 480 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    The rude one is YOU! I have now suspended approximately 20 of your newly created accounts. Your lack of I.Q. is really shining through very brightly. Perhaps you could give some intelligent responses to some intelligent questions or is that beyond your scope? If that is the case, enroll in school, spend time learning and doing homework and stop being a childish little pest.

    I've suspended at least 25 of them and Python has suspended some. He needs a life or psychiatric treatment. No one needs to spend that much time creating accounts daily just to get back on a forum where they are not welcome.

    6 Answers

    No soup for you.

    You only need one account to be on here! Why do you need more than one? People are wondering what trouble you want to cause if you have more than one account! Also calling us rude really can't help much! Think about your actions!

    No other member here has had the chances you got. Go away. You have now become a website troll and no one likes a troll. Though I have to say as annoying as you've made yourself here, you still are not as annoying as George the alien was. No eggbert, you can not come back. The last straw was when you created 2 accounts impersonating members here. Life long ban for that. 

    You have proved yourself time and time again that you cannot be trusted.This site is for legitimate members who regularly volunteer to help answer questions.You are considered a hindrance.Do not rejoin akaQA in the future, as you will be detected.

    Maybe others who do not obey the rules of the site will notice that people do get banned from the site, you are the example.  Sorry, but nobody twisted your arm to disobey...

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