    Do you agree with Charlie Fuqua, the Republican candidate for the house of Representatives in Arkansas, who appeaes to support Death Penalty FOR CHILDREN.

    +2  Views: 595 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    I don't have an issue with charging a high school teen as an adult.  By 15 they should know right from wrong especially where murder is concerned.  For the younger ones I believe they should continue to be treated as a child in child courts.  However, I think any child that has killed someone should have that on the books for life. (currently when the kid turns 18 the court seals the charges).


    Thank you for explaining that to me, and I do agree.

    basically at 18 any charges the kid got are sealed the records are sealed- so no one knows that the kid did anything wrong. I think if the kid killed someone that should be on his/her record for life.

    Sounds like a career killing decision to me!


    Absolutely, but you may be sure that the liberal media will focus this on the GOP as a whole. And people will go for it, one man's idiocy becomes the idiocy of the group

    Then the group shall fail because of the stupidity of one.

    It hasn't yet, this is a problem when an idiot doesn't know they are an idiot and they are powerful enough to convince millions of others to be idiots then the decision to be an idiot becomes the norm and no longer are they considered idiots, any 'logical and reasonable' opposition then becomes the idiot. This scenario is taking place right under our noses. Fat chance on changing this now, we are in too deep.

    Getting that way in the UK too mate, can't see it improving either.

    I keep forgetting you in the UK, yeah well you have your Monarchy-- We have our Mariachi.. :)

    We sure have some idiots in our government. He makes the Republicans look worse than they already are.


    There's a black sheep in the flock. republicans aren't bad and neither are the democrats, it's the loonies that slip in once in awhile. The right wing idiot vs the left wing idiot. The problem we have is that the media only covers the right wing idiot and gives a pass to the left wing idiots. Therefore, un-informed good democrats only see one side as bad. They will not listen to conservative newscast, so they never get to see/hear the other side.

    I certainly don't agree with that but then i don't agree with Democrats killing babies either. Not to mention allowing hard core murderers escape the death penalty at taxpayers cost so they can live the good life in prison. 

    This is not a GOP agenda, it's one man's agenda in the GOP--  We could certainly dissect individual politicians in the Democrat party and you just might be surprised what their personal policy and agendas might be.  but you may be absolutely sure of the fact that the Liberal media will jump at every opportunity to tear down the GOP, this is one such example.   Democrats can do no wrong in the eyes of the liberal media, you will never see things like this about their chosen party, ever!!  Please don't be a follower, of course 'nobody' but an idiot wants to kill a child regardless of the crime, but this wacko thinks its a good idea -- Not gunna happen. I would wager to say that the GOP will reprimand him for even suggesting such a thing -- Meanwhile, when will the democrats stop killing babies??

    Im so shocked at the thought of what Charlie Fuqua has in his mind, He also wants to get rid of all Muslims. Like a second Hitler with the Jews. I could never be a follower of the democrats. Lucky for me, Im Irish, living in my home land.


    You keep thinking that way-- This is our fight. It's republicans you are against, not democrats-- and as I said, you can't blame the church congregation because one person backslid. This guy is an idiot-- Would you like me to post idiots on the left? democrat idiots?? You are in the same boat as most all of us, conservatives and liberals, nobody in their right mind wants to do what this idiot is proposing, and I too am a Republican. Please don't blame all Republicans for what one idiot does and then, in return I won't blame all democrats for the idiocy of one or two-- I could actually come up with more democrat idiots than republicans. But this is nothing to do with you, you're in Ireland. BTW: I know someone that was a tail gunner on a milk truck in Ireland during the religious wars. LOL!!! I love that joke!!

    Vinny, Im not into politics, as im not that interested, even here at home, as they appear to be all for the rich.Im not against or for the Demcorats conservatives or liberals, its just the idiot who made the suggestion that caught my eye.

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