    Do you support a bill that would make kids pass a drug test to get a drivers license, and a bill pass urine test to collect welfare.

    Good for West Virginia. Driving is not a right, a privilege. Make people pass a urine test to collect my taxes for welfare too. I hope it passes, if it gets to a vote.

    +3  Views: 717 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: urine test

    13 Answers

    I would be quite happy if they passed a law in the UK to do the same, too many young people here think collecting welfare is their "wages" and the mortality rate from drug driving is worse than drink driving in the 18 to 25 year age group.



    Realizing the benefits of welfare, as my divorced mom received it, raising 6 kids alone.   I do support any way to screen those who really need it, from the abusers.  I also think they should put time limits upon getting it.  If my mom could get us off welfare, and get a job, back in the 70's, I am sure others are able to work who are on assistance.  Some of the welfare-to-work programs have not worked, we need one that will.  The "men" who live with many of these mothers on assistance should be targeted and cut off from taxpayers supporting them.  The social workers can only do so much!  These guys slip out just before the social workers visit, with no evidence of them living there...  And the drug screening is a great idea, as why should we fund the habits of drug dependent abusers.  The kids should not be living in the drug infested household, as the cycle needs to be broken! 

    Yup sure would... But what the heck the way its going In this country I just might quit my job and get on welfare,, Why not, hell I can sit on the couch eating bonbons and watching TV all day. Free medical, Free dental, let those poor working slobs pay for me..


    This is not intended to bash those people that Can't work, but I know a few people that are perfectly able to hold a job but don't, mainly for that reason

    Yes indeed , why not a bill to check our senators and congress  as well !


    But we dont have senators or congress,?????????

    There should be no age criteria. Period. Why shouldn't the same apply to adults?

    Yup, I'm all for it. As a class A driver, I have to pass drug tests to keep my license. Kids should too, well everyone should in my opinion but lets start with the kids because they are still new drivers and really need to be extra aware when driving as they are not yet seasoned in defensive driving. As a worker, I have to pass drug tests to keep my job. Welfare is their income, they should have to pass a drug test to ensure the welfare money is not spent on drugs. 

    100% I agree. especially when it comes to people who are not looking for work, as alot of the people, spend the money on drugs and , or on drink.

    !, Yes

    2. No

    I agree driving is a privilege and a potential lethal weapon when combined with drugs or alcohol or both,

    However also a long suffering tax payer, often resenting my taxes on those I consider more than able to support themselves are we suggesting that genuine people needing a hand up be penalised for the dismal minority that rort the system, there are genuine cases where through no fault of their own people find themselves made redundant often a result of a failed company or enterprise (telecom in Australia for example, Westpac banking corporation etc etc) these people and there are many hundred....probably more suddenly find themselves unemployed and requiring the help of our welfare service to whom they themselves have paid their taxes to as well, should we now suggest they go through further trauma not to mention the demeaning embarrassment of submitting a urine sample to qualify for the meagre payment which is way below the poverty line for short term existence, It's usually very difficult for these people to even walk in and ask for help, they need help, not further obstacles and soul destroying tests, to hell with those that do abuse our system, but there are many genuine people out there needing help   , they deserve it 

    There are jobs everywhere in Texas. Period. The majority people that cant find them wont move, too lazy, dont want to work, or cant pass a drug test. The Texas prison has one of the best benefit packages around. Wher else can you work for 10 years, the become eligible to retire with free health care insurance for rest of your life.. Not to forget vacation, sick, overtime, new employment 3,000 bonus, first time home buyers benefit, and more. The main problem hiring around here is people just cant pass a drug test or prior arrest convictions. My son going to school at Midland college petroleum technology allready has job offers from oil companies wanting to hire him because they need people. I have been out of work before . It is very scary. I broke down and went to work for a prison system in california . Scary at first, but got use to it. Then moved to Texas prison system. Theres alot of old ladies and men working there as officers. They are there for the retirement and insurance. There have been people as old as 80 working there. The prison close to where i live paid out over a million dollars in overtime last month. When they work overtime , they take home 250 a day. Lots of new F250 pickup trucks in the parking lot, they say.


    Can you send me an application form?

    "They are there for the retirement and insurance",but can they do their job?I know if I was in trouble,I would not want to wait for the 80 year old guard to get there.:(

    He/she could be an ex boxer/sprinter, age discrimination Rick.

    yes ,if you dont do all the nasty stuff you`ve got nothing to worry about.

    Well for most part , no cant do job of a 40 year old.

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