    how many blackouts were there in snow storm nemo

    0  Views: 204 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    The storm caused power outages, shortages at gas stations, and numerous car accidents across the region.[76][77] As of 12:45 a.m. EST on February 9, 321,000 customers were without power in Massachusetts, 191,000 in Rhode Island, and 32,000 in Connecticut.[62] By 10:30 a.m., more than 655,000 customers were without power due to the storm, including 405,000 in Massachusetts and 185,000 in Rhode Island.[77][78] As of the evening of February 9, approximately 575,000 people were without power.[23]
    As of the late evening of February 9, 344,000 customers were without power in Massachusetts and 31,000 in Connecticut. About 390,000 remained without power in total in the Northeast.[77][79] In total, utility companies reported about 700,000 customers were without power across nine states.[77][80] As of Sunday[clarification needed] evening, there were still about 205,000 customers in Massachusetts without power. Some areas were projected not to have power restored until Thursday February 14.[81]
    The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant lost power again on February 10, after an offsite outage had caused a shutdown on February 8. A spokeswoman for Entergy Corp., the Louisiana company that owns Pilgrim said, "There's no worker or public safety concern," she said. "We're troubleshooting the cause."[81]
    On Long Island, upwards of 40,000 people lost power, with downed wires from tree limbs and heavy snows being cited as the primary reason.

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