    what deos it mean if you have carma on you akaQA profile

    is it a bad thing or what i dont know what it means

    +1  Views: 2185 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: akaqa

    4 Answers

    Earning karma points means someone has given you a "thumb's up" and you have earned 15 points.  For example, I gave your question here a TU and you went from 30 points to 45 points.  Look at the points I have under my name.  If you click the Thumb's up icon, my score will increase.  If you click the Thumb's down, my score will decrease and I will seek you out with a vengenance one only sees in the Bruce Willis "DIE HARD" movies.  (Just kidding, but be careful using the TD....there are strict criteria for that).


    I'm more the Liam Neeson type!

    How goes the mighty Scot??

    The MIGHTY SCOT is well, hope you are the same P?

    Curled up with a book, aka, and CASTLE reruns, and a McDonald's frappe. I'm good for now. :D

    thank you very much that relly helps ☺☻
    oh and what this about a moovie or something

    Bruce Willis has made a number of movies with the title theme "Die Hard". He goes after the bad guy(s) with a vengenance. :D

    thank you have all the answers you good at this you great thanks but me i haven't really seen any of those movies but thanks for filling me in on it ,it sounds interesting though i should go watch it for my self thanks
    oh and your answer was the best so now your voted best answer thanks for the great answer

    Click the Karma link at bottom of the page.


    but that doesnt explain what the karma thing means

    Explains it enough for me,what don't you understand?

    because I've tried that and it doesn't explain that at all but thanks any way

    "Karma" is a point system that exemplifies how others view your response to the questions you read. The more karma the better the indication of your involvement with akaqa.............

    It's supposed to be a reward system where  you're getting  points for your usage on akaQA  :  Only, there's no reward for accumulating points........just the glory   :- \ 

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