    if my parents don't get me what i want what should i do to make them get it?!?!?!?

    +1  Views: 614 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Prove you are responsible enough to have it. What are their reasons for not getting it? Try to see their side of the situation.....

    Perhaps what you WANT isn't necessarily something you NEED.
    What should you do?  Be thankful for everything you have, respect your parents (everybody, for that matter, which simply means being courteous), and do your best in school. 
    The way you asked your question makes me think you might be a bit of a spoiled brat.  Reminds me of a girl in third grade who told me she knew how to get anything she wanted from her parents.  The way she said it surprised me, but the idea of her getting whatever she wanted didn't....she was a manipulative little twit.  How did she get what she wanted?  She CRIED.  Voila!  Anything she wanted.
    Are you willing to be a manipulative, self-centered little brat like that? is there anything that you WANT so badly as to be THAT unlikeable?

    Well let's see.......probably because the puppy they got you last year goes unfed unless your mom does it. And....the bike you wanted for Christmas is laying in the backyard with the grass growing up thru it....As well as the Nintendo you sulked for,it's probably discarded now because it's not so cool as an Ipad or whatever.You sound like a spoilt brat,get over it,grow up a bit.


    well i had non of those things and i am not spoiled...

    I'm just answering your question the way it came across to me kiddo.Why should you feel the need to "MAKE" your parents get you anything.If they keep a roof over your head,give you a warm bed to sleep in,keep you well fed and treat you like a beloved child then you don't have much to complain about.Have you thought about the "THING" you have asked them for from their perspective?Can they afford it?Is it considered safe for a kid your age to have this thing?I don't mean to be nasty kiddo but I think you could try a different approach.:)

    don't keep bugging them about it. I'm sure they have a good reason for not getting you your every heart's desire. My parents would't get me anything when I was growing up .Go get a job shoveling peoples snow and / or cutting thier grass adn raking.Girls do that kind of thing too. And  you're old enough.

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