    How hard is it to change out ball joints upper and lower spring coil type on a 2002 Ford Ranger?

    Are there any special tools needed? I was quoted $150.00 in labor to do this job and was curious if this was about the going rate.

    0  Views: 245 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    And most parts shops for automotive stuff in the US will loan you the tool kit when you buy the parts from them.  And you tube is very good to walk you through it.  I like it, you can pause, and go look at car, return and give another go.  Good to take a photo of how things are at first on any job you are not familiar with, so you can put things back correctly. 

    That's a good rate. Take it. This is a two man job and does require special tools and know how for what you are doing. I bet if you cried poverty they might knock the price down a little. 

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