    Is billing roulette a necessary fact of life, an unfortunate administrative blunder or just another reason to hate the economy?

    So Bush allowed businesses to bill customers on any day they choose…now we see the abuse of that privilege in adversarial billing practices that are designed to allow businesses to take advantage of when your payday is to bill you when your cash is normally low. That is to catch you in the "late bill fee trap". Of course, you can pay your bills on a credit card, but then that turns into another billing nightmare and credit turn-overs that end-up costing more.Things worked nicely when all my bills were due within 10 days of the first of the month. But now with 11 different due dates and late if on time…I’m ready for change.

    0  Views: 498 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    The late fees are a joke.I have just had a big altercation with my cable supplier.I paid the bill on time & they still hit me with the fee.GRRRRR!!


    I get fee charges on accounts that are paid early and accounts where nothing is on the books…and the late fees stick if I don’t contest them.

    I know they stick.I have been with the same cable company for 15 years.It might be time I changed I think.

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