    Could a spider bite cause a blister?

    0  Views: 1717 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    It could cause something that looks like a blister. If it get's bigger or you see red or blue lines running from it (under skin) or it bruises or breaks open and looks nasty, see a doctor or go to a walk in medical clinic. ER as a last resort. Some spider bites can cause sever damage. Google spider bites and see "images". You'll be amazed at the damage one spider bite, left unattended can do.
    Could be a staph infection. careful.
    Funny, I was bit by a very small spider yesterday and was concerned about its effects but I just cleaned off the area and went back to work in the yard. The last month GNATS (no-see-ems) have been biting me so I just assumed it was another gnat at first. I forgot about it and mentioned it to my wife about 10 hours later and she FREAKED OUT. My finger had a small oval white discolor on it but it didn't hurt. I knew I should have taken it more seriously but I shrugged it off.

    Luckily its fine today. I now wear gloves ALL THE TIME when working in the yard.

    Did she slap you for being irresponsible? I would have. Take care of yourself TSC, you're one of my buds! (((hug)))
    Hi there....saw both your questions concerning your "blister" you have anybody around you that you can talk with about this as if you think you have been bitten by a spider (especially if you don't know what kind) it's best to get HELP!! Keep us informed please..don't want to have to worry about you! (:

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