    Are scart leads with gold plated pins worth the extra moneys ask for??

    +2  Views: 508 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Hi again Hector. I'm afraid the ill-fitting thing is common with scart leads as the cable itself can be so heavy that it pulls on the connector and so makes it loose. I try to lay the cable on something that lies between both pieces of equipment, like a shelf - and that acts as support for the cable. Will C


    i will try that,it is a heavey cable,

    Hi Hector. To answer your question: Gold-plated connectors minimise signal degradation between the equipment you're using and so make a better connection, but a good scart lead should also use oxygen-free copper (OFC) in its wiring. All of my scart leads use both of these things. They don't have to be expensive to buy either if you shop around and they really do make a difference to picture quality. However, do try if you can to read reviews on the scart leads that you shortlist as some do the job better than others. I hope this helps. Will C :)


    Yes thanks,I also find that a lot of them are ill fitting,

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