    where is my dashboard "gear"w/ dropdown setting so i can link my new blog with bellplastic who ever read this question can you just link it for me dkplastic.kennedy i cant navagate your site

    this site has a lot of stuff on it and i bet you think just anybody could figure it out, but i am so frustrated with i am ready to pay intuit $150 dollars a month to do this for me .

    where is the button (on the first page) that says  create an account. where is the button (on the first page) that says login here

    where is the button (on the first page) that says add a link to you blogg where is the button (not 5 pages in if i click just the right first 5 buttons) that says contact us or click here to ask a question where an answer will appear in one min or less and if its not too much to ask ,maybe a phone number (there is nothing like the human touch  good p.r.) all i want to do right now is go to my blog and click on the gear to the drop down(yes i took notes) so i can get to the place where i can add my website with to link. i dont understand all the jargon and what each button is alluding to(very abstractly) i dont think iam alone in my quest for this information . Really simple is better this is just frustrating and too time consumming  i think for a certain % of people to bother with. I mean there is a gear on my page but it does   not do anything.


    0  Views: 297 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

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