    want to get rid of Direct TV. Anybody have any ideas?

    It was just installed this evening. We can’t figure out how to use it. It doesn’t have the kind of shows I want. From the lease agreement ,it looks like we’ll have to pay $480.00 even if we never use it.  Would buyers remorse work here? We can’t afford that!. It doesn’t even come with a pamphlet to let the user learn how to use it. ARRGHHHH!  



    +1  Views: 1918 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Most companies have a 3 day cancellation clause but if complain enough who knows. Love our Direct TV. Just figured out the DVR after paying for it for 5 months and not using it. Give it time, you might change your mind!?


    I’ve been so worried about it I can’t sleep (left coast) You have given me some hope. Maybe we can cancel. Maybe I can learn to work it. Maybe ...

    I don't even know what direct TV is so I'm not gunna be much help.We only get Foxtel (Cable) because I'm too cheap to buy an antennae. But I would think there should be a "Cooling off" period in the contract.It's compulsory in Australia & the cooling off period is for 10 days but prior to installation.

    Try for the buyers remorse it might work.Anything is worth a go if you're not happy.


    I didn’t know about the “cooling” off time. Maybe that will work. Yes, I’ll try everything. I can’t go to sleep with out it!
    Gold Coast at Sunrise is a good place to be. Lucky.

    I have other pics too.I'll share them along the way.:)

    Good Tommy: Who knows maybe a bunch of us will collect fares and fly your way and have a beach bon fire. My writing teacher had people come all the way from the east coast to Carmel-by-the-Sea, in California. It was more fun. We’d talked to each other for a year and shared our pictures. We had poetry readings and then afterward make our way to one of the cozy bars. Very little writing got done that weekend.

    Carmel by the Sea? isn't thet where clint was the mayor?

    or am I thinking of sonny?

    Carmel is where Clint lives. His wife had a reality TV show that lasted just three weeks. I think he had something to do with it. Then they got a divorce. I went to his restaurant The Hog’s Breath Inn. It was filthy. We had to leave. (Years ago)

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