It was just installed this evening. We can’t figure out how to use it. It doesn’t have the kind of shows I want. From the lease agreement ,it looks like we’ll have to pay $480.00 even if we never use it. Would buyers remorse work here? We can’t afford that!. It doesn’t even come with a pamphlet to let the user learn how to use it. ARRGHHHH!
2 Answers
Most companies have a 3 day cancellation clause but if complain enough who knows. Love our Direct TV. Just figured out the DVR after paying for it for 5 months and not using it. Give it time, you might change your mind!?
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I don't even know what direct TV is so I'm not gunna be much help.We only get Foxtel (Cable) because I'm too cheap to buy an antennae. But I would think there should be a "Cooling off" period in the contract.It's compulsory in Australia & the cooling off period is for 10 days but prior to installation.
Try for the buyers remorse it might work.Anything is worth a go if you're not happy.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Gold Coast at Sunrise is a good place to be. Lucky.