    Can your dog protect you.....



    +5  Views: 1550 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: protection

    Her teeth remain so white! That's a Hollywood smile she's got! Good puppy!
    Headless Man

    Keeps them clean by chewing bones, hopefully not

    11 Answers

    I wished she would, a loud bark but no way she would be able to protect me, a Miniture Sausage ( Dachsund) Dog, she was made for love not attacking.""


    Aww she is beautiful bulletman.How old is your dog ?

    Pyth, Sabrina is getting on, she will be 12 this year, i'm dreading the day------.

    Such great dogs... Yours is particularly beautiful. :)

    Awwwww...what a face. I want to hug her.

    Sabrina looks like a sweetheart!

    Little Doo, she is a sweet heart would not hurt a flea, she loves all things and people 'Except' little kids, she can't stand them, so she hides inside so they cannot get to her.

    My dog didn"t care for small children either..she did the same- stayed away from them

    She is beautiful. love her sad looking eyes. Give her x from me.

    I have two of these and it's enthusiasm that counts ...



    Its So Cute!

    My dogs are like little stuffed animals. Protective little stuffed animals. Actually they are 'Protective Cat-Dog', little stuffed animals.
    Headless Man

    I'll bet they let you know when they hear something........

    Yep, tell me about it. i have a yapping puppy!

    A Boston Terrier Pug mix.

    They definitely let me know when they hear something and don't stop until I invesitigate to their satisfaction. It's hilarious actually. They travel in a pack of two.

    Vicious!!! have you got a muzzle for that animal??


    I just love them!
    Headless Man

    Hard not too.......

    My dog is dead now but she was a typical red cattle dog.No-one could touch me when she was around & she was always around when I was outdoors.I never trained her to do it,it was just the way she was.


    Cool didn`t make her protect you..she just was fiercely loyal and loving..that`s different!;-)

    I agree Millie.

    I miss that little red mutt everyday.

    Why should dogs be expected to protect you Randy...surely you have a dog because you love the dog?...Not to be used as some kind of a weapon to protect you..Shouldn`t it be you protecting your dogs as you would hopefully do to any of your loved ones?...Maybe you should just get a burglar alarm and pay a security guard to watch you 24/7...Is it the dog`s responsibilities to take your bullets:-?....Especially if you were a contributor in any way to a confrontation!


    1 million TU's!

    hi Colleen..very long time no hear...I`ll prob be in trouble wi you but I took it upon myself to tell people just how i was feeling re the site this wasn`t pretty but i just have been observing things lately and can for see trouble if someone didn`t speak out!...I just want to see fair play and for people to enjoy the site again..i hope that was O.K...but as i said to the O`S I`M NOT ON HERE FOR KARMA POINTS!so am not going to stress if i`ve done the wrong thing and am hated..@Least i feel i`ve been true to myself and am trying to get o`s to see what they will miss when the site has been destroyed by thoughtless actions!..I don`t know if you saw what I doubt you`ll see it sometime maybe?!..and thanks for the tu,but i stand by the no dogs/animals should be a weapon to protect their owner..I`d take a bullet to protect any of my cats!;-0
    Headless Man

    I don't expect her too, she want's to, if someone tried to break in she would keep them busy until I got my gun....

    And what are you giving up for LENT Randy?...I`M DYING TO KNOW;-)!
    Headless Man

    You should be giving up something you enjoy!...and that costs you I`m not even going there!:-)

    My 100 lb lab would have tripped any intruder......

    We have had many dogs throughout the years...barely remember a time when we didn't. It's possible some of them would have stepped in between a "bad guy" and me, others who would not have batted an eye.  Dieszal (American Bulldog) certainly has the strength, but I don't know about the temperament.  He is a big (100 lb) baby. 
    Our family dog when I was a kid was an airedale terrier named Judy.  I remember distinctly my dad removing his belt one time for spanking us (sister and me).  Judy got in front of us and growled meancingly at my dad. He backed down; Judy was NOT kidding.

    Don't have one but we do however have a great watch cat....and he has no ticks !!


    Headless Man

    What kind of dog do you have........

    A Boston Terrier Pug mix.

    No but I would never expect my dog to give it's life for me. That's why I have a shot gun.  

    That's one recycled photo you have there. 


    It's growing tiresome....
    Headless Man

    Sorry you find the photo tiresome, I think it's useful in lots of spots........ she is backed up with a 357 magnum...

    It reminds me of my grandfather when he got old and started repeating things constantly.

    Careful, don't hit the dog!!!!

    My old boy Steely Dan Dog and his pal Blue bagged one of two creeps that showed up at my farm to rob the house thinking no-one home (this was some years ago mind)...surprise surprise...they were met by a 30 odd 6 wielding chick (moi) with 2 Pitbulls and good ole Dan Dog!!!! One guy threw himself back in the truck on the passenger side floor while the other tried to talk all nice asking if so-and-so lived here...I commenced raising my rifle as both Dan and my fem Bulldog Blue lunged and grabbed with success at his groin...and NO I did not teach them to do that! I had one heck of a time getting Blue to let go by voice commands but Dan was satisfied with the one crotch-snap-grab and content to watch his pal Blue ravish the guy...she finally let him go so he could dash back to his truck and flee! My third dog, Sergeant Bonehead was stunned with amazement and just sat there looking did I!! Do not mess with me...oh...and beware of the dawgs!!!

    Headless Man

    GOOD DOG........

    Damn straight!!! ('scuse my tongue!)
    The guy was actually crying and begging me to call her off..she went ballistic when he tried to yell her down using her oh man...criminals eh?
    Headless Man

    LOL..... way to go Blue, bet she (he) made other things blue

    ROFLOL!!! It had dawned on me at the time..and I HATE to say it was all rather morbidly amusing...& yes, the rifle was loaded!

    You're joking, right? ""

    Headless Man

    Might surprise you if someone tried to harm you.....

    cute clonge!;-)

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