    Ho made the bible ???

    +1  Views: 767 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

     The books were chosen from among thousands of ancient writings and collectively became the Bible after many long winded debates, revisions, inclusions, cuts and pastes. It was not a neat process and many of this debates lead to wars and assassinations. Many clergy would not comment on the book written in various languages for fear of public exposure, etc. The many appeasement's, revisions and ransom bribes involved. Various groups attempted to bribe the church secretly and the 7 seals refers to the practice of sealing-up  various papers in chamber rooms forbidding the seals from ever being broken.  The stylized King James Version and other bibles were also basically taken from the Vatican to be able to instruct commoners in these ways.





    Damn them, takes up space in the drawers!

    Originally the Bible was a result of old Hermetic - Egyptian mythology and scripture that goes back to the beginning of Man in Africa.

    That's correct! "Thou shall not wear skimpy skirts and stiletto heel shoes."

     Among the major books of religion, the Bible is one of the very oldest. Its first parts were written some 3,500 years ago. This book was completed in 98 C.E. Though some 40 men were its writers over a period of 1,600 years, the Bible is a harmonious body of writings. That is so because its real Author is God.

    The Bible is the most widely circulated and translated book in all history. Each year, some 60 million copies of the entire Bible or portions of it are distributed. The complete Bible or parts of it have been translated into more than 2,300 languages and dialects. Over 90 percent of the human family have access to the Bible, or at least part of it, in their native language. This book has transcended national boundaries, racial divisions, and ethnic barriers.


    Holy bad spelling,Batman ! Even an atheist would consider this question blasphemous.

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