    i do not remember the pass word for my MID M792B android tablet and how do i retrieved it

    is there away download a program  for my computer for the tablet

    +1  Views: 556 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    This is from an Android forum>>>

    I just figured out how to get into recovery mode on this thing. It is different than the other method posted. I think there are at least 2 sets of hardware used with these tablets.

    Hold the tablet so you can:

    Press on and hold the touchscreen, then press the power and menu buttons at the same time.

    It then says if you want to recover press the required buttons. I pressed power, and menu again and it restored.

    I have been able to repeat it over and over..

    The other method found by Bigwooly goes like this:

    "to restore to default rom (recovery mode)
    with device off

    push power turn on as normal

    Once you see the infotmic logo press and hold power and menu

    When you see white text On the screen release power and menu

    You will see a message the says something along the lines of "to boot in recovery press the require keys"

    Press power and menu again and it will reflash the most recent manufacturer update you downloaded."


    lindilou Sounds so complicated - perhaps one can put the make of the tablet via the internet for instructions as maybe they are all somewhat different.

    It is an Android tablet Poppy3!!

    lindilou Oh right - I am laughing at myself - Android yes - I have this cheap one driving me crazy left it alone just now - thought there were different makes and it may make a difference. You can see how little I know.

    ...I'm still a bit of a newbie at it myself Poppy3...the kids told me about the android thingy..LOL...;)

    lindilou kids know all this stuff - so good at it all quiz kids xo

    I know...then they get smarter than us....yikes!! ;)

    lindilou - they do in this respect but sadly Reading will become an endangered species and the ability to communicate - most of which approx. 70% is body language - will be diminished which is sad.

    I have noticed that due to the use of texting many children aka teens have some difficulty with face to face contact!! Stuttering, lack of eye contact as they fumble for the phone to text their friend who is standing next to them!! LOL! It is a strange new world of social interactions and a turn of events in the evolution of community...I mean look at akaQA...none of us would know any of us were it not for the advances in communications...

    lindilou - glad you agree - it has been mentioned a lot here this communication and reading thing. Those kids with technology sure make us feel like idiots. And yes we would not be able to communicate.

    I need more infor the answer did not work cannot turn on android there is no menu button on the screen does not shpw

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