    how to rid pc of virus and malware

    0  Views: 431 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    do what i do use Windows Defender is free and works well...i have lost too many cpu harddrives to the criminals that should be incarcerated  for life with out the access to a phone.  Windows Defender has helped me the most above all and i mean all the money which is in the thousands of dollars that i have paid to so called Virus software providers that nickel and dime you to death and poverty and silicon disaster with out any concern as to what they are doing to add or take away from cyber security....I cannot ever be a part of such a FUBAR way of making a living..Good luck Rod.

    do what i do use Windows Defender is free and works well...i have lost too many cpu harddrives to the criminals that should be incarcerated  for life with out the access to a phone.  Windows Defender has helped me the most above all and i mean all the money which is in the thousands of dollars that i have paid to so called Virus software providers that nickel and dime you to death and poverty and silicon disaster with out any concern as to what they are doing to add or take away from cyber security....I cannot ever be a part of such a FUBAR way of making a living..Good luck Rod.

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