    Just a comment to our northeastern states(USA) please be safe and stay home for the blizzard! This includes you Colleen!

    +4  Views: 357 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Thank you Clu! It's been snowing lightly all day. We have about 2" on the ground at this point but it is slick and there have already been a lot of accidents. I believe the governor has shut down the highway as the actual storm  is on our doorstep now. At around 7pm (about 40 minutes from now) we can expect the winds to pick up and the snow to really start coming down. They say to expect 2-3 inches per hour and heavy snow until about 5am before it lets up and tappers off by noon tomorrow. I'm suppose to be getting 18-24 inches. That I don't care about. It's the hurricane force winds that we are suppose to get. The snow is heavy and sticks, so all the snow on the trees and their limbs coupled with the winds, could most likely bring trees and limbs down onto the power lines and even homes. I've prepared as much as I can for this. Now I just hope for the best. 

    Good luck and stay safe and warm to anyone who will be or already is effected by this blizzard! 


    Stay safe Colleen.I've been away for a week & so out of touch with the news I didn't even know about this weather event.

    It's a big one Tommy. May beat records held by the Blizzard of 1978. That one made it into the history books and onto Wiki-pedia. I lived through that blizzard too.

    I have never been in a blizzard.keep safe & warm.:)

    Stay safe sweetie! Hope you don't lose power! It looks really bad on the news! Even thunder snow! This is unreal even the news cast is breaking up because of the snow!

    Thanks Clu and Tommy.
    I have the propane heaters ready and the generator. We (the pets and I) will be warm enough should the power go out.

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