    Will war and suffering ever end?

    We live in a world full of cruelty and injustice.  Wars continue to claim untold numbers of human lives.  Terrorism is worldwide.  All of us have been touched by human suffering.

    +1  Views: 904 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    It will eventually but mankind has to earn it by learning the lessons he is here to learn. Peace can only happy when judgement of others on this planet ceases to exist. When we all learn how to accept the differences without judgment or condemnation, then we will have peace and we will work together for the betterment of all. In this, suffering too will end because we will have risen in consciousness where suffering will no longer be used as a way for us to learn. As you can tell, we are a long way from this. But as each person begins to believe it can happen and works towards this end, we move one step closer to it. 


    What do you mean "to earn it by learning the lessons he is here to learn"?

    God sent us here to learn things through experience. This means everything. Every experience imaginable, we are here to learn. Experience is the best teacher. Soul is but a child and needs to learn in order to grow. We're suppose to learn how to love as God loves. Unconditionally, without prejudice and condemnation.

    Below reply moved to where it belongs


    Karma: 135

    True, God is love and those who serve him should have love too. But that is not happening. But I still don't see your point about " learning the lessons he is here to learn". We die, if we are fortunate enough to live through to 70 or 80 yrs. The expereince we have gained goes to nothing.

    Exactly! What would be the point of only one life time? Nothing. So, God gave us all the life times we need. Each life time brings more learning, more experiences, a whole new grade. Earth is school, heaven is summer break.

    Not until the celebrations of war have ceased.



    So you believe in reincarnation?

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