    whats all the ways to give birth to babies ?

    0  Views: 504 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Natural or C-section.

      1.   Well, I'm in favor of the gravity chair, which I've read about. The soon to be mom sits on a chair with a large hole in it, like a potty chair, and hence, the baby comes out easier b/c he / she and the mother's body is in a more natural position to give birth and has gravity in their help them. Course, there has to be someone there to  "catch the baby " when he/ she pops out. Lying down in a bed is an unnatural postion to give birth.Some women in other cultures simply sqaut down when they feel the baby coming on.

       2.   Another good way to give birth, is the water method. The soon to be mother is sitting half up in a reclining postiton in a tub of warm water. When it's time for the baby to be born, it's easier and less painful for the mother . And the baby comes out faster and  easier b/c the mother 's muscles and nerves are more relaxed. Then, the baby is born into warm , soothing water.  Don't worry, the baby won't drown, b/c he won't take his first breath untill the doc or midwife picks him up and cuts the cord. She has to be fast tho' .


    hatch them out of a egg would b the less painfullest  


    one other thing if u 2 r having a baby wish y'all the best

    " the less painfullest " ?

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