    how old do you have to be to get an IUD

    What age

    0  Views: 655 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    In the UK you can get them from school as early as your first period and without your parents consent.

    I don't know. I've had one twice but I was of age. Great for birth control but rotten on the periods......


    PLUS, they don't keep you from getting pregnant, they keep you from staying pregnant. They are an abortion a month so to speak.....

    I thought the thing would cut me in half. I had it for two week. If you get one be sure you know what they are and exactly what they'll do.

    I don't think they give these to women in California anymore. They sure shouldn't.

    Does that have to do with driving?

    I can not find an age limit but what I am finding is that most doctors will only give them to women who have had children already. I do not think they will give one to a teenager, mainly because they can not get the device past the cervix in teenagers or women who have not gone through a child birth.  

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