    Are you a confusing person to take decisions?

    +2  Views: 618 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Yes,no,maybe.......I used to be confused but m'I ko won!

    Please restate your question. There is an answer in me somewhere..........


    She restated it as a comment to me.

    I'm confused with this question. Can you rephrase? 


    For example when I have to decide between two things and i don`t know which to get so i am so confusing. Don`t know but now i have a feel that make me unsure in myself and unsure in my decisions.

    Weigh the pros and cons between the choices. Sometimes making no decision at the moment is best. As they say, sometimes it's best to sleep on it. Never regret a choice though. There are no accidents. Every choice we make in life teaches us something. There are lessons in everything we do. Learn the lesson and you get to move to the front of the class ;)

    "Never regret a choice. There are no accidents. Every choice we make in life teaches us something. There are lessons in everything we do. Learn the lesson and you get to move to the front of the class." Colleen

    My decision are usually snap! I don't like to wallow in indecision. Sometimes I sleep on it. I used to go to some doctors that I didn't like. They were just soooo stupid and some were mean. Anyway, I'd write them a big long letter and read the letter to my husband, my daughter, or my friend. The next day I'd tear the letter up into a million pieces and go on my way. 

    A couple of times I was so angry with their ways I actually sent the letter and TWICE I had money ret urned to me. Each word had to be polished and edited because you don't want to get in trouble with the medical society. 

    You are not old yet so I think you should ask you mom how she makes decisions. She knows you best. My ways are sometimes a little odd.  : )      Haven't heard from you in awhile, girl.

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