    Do you think gay Boy Scouts and straight Boy Scouts should be in the same troop?

    Same for Girl Scouts, I guess.

    +2  Views: 1298 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    also, should this be a decision for Obama to make?

    No, it should not be a decision for Obama to make.

    The Boy Scouts are now delaying their decision as the whether they should include gays in their organization.

    18 Answers

    Slightly off topic, but in the UK Scouts no longer have to say they believe in God when joining. A step forward in my opinion.

    Another thought, I believe that Baden-Powell the Scouts founder was homosexual, so the inclusion of gay Scouts is logical.

    They already are. Someone has just decided to mention it.

    Boy Scouts are just Boy Scouts.  Sex doesn't enter into it. Gay or straight, you can still behave by the code. Same with Girl Scouts.......

    I dont think that it would a problem at all.

    Boys will be boys, girls will be girls, straight? Gay? Who cares.

    If you've got a problem with that it's YOUR PROBLEM.


    Below reply moved to where it goes.


    Karma: 190471

    ROMOS: That sounded a little bit like you were pointing your finger at me! I didn't give my response. I just asked a question. Take a deep breath - 2, 3, 4 ...

    Deep breath taken...1,2,3.
    Why does it concern you?

    Why not?  So long as they keep their privates private, I don't see a problem.


    Same goes for straight people.

    That can't happen in a uni-gender group.

    When dealing with children it HAS to happen. The Boy Scouts of America is not uni-gender.

    Well that's a big mistake. Scouts and Guides ought to be segregated. There are plenty of other mixed organizations out there for kids to join.

    There are single mothers who felt that if they could play mother and father to their son, this meant they could be in the scouts. A few have been allowed to be den mothers.

    I thought you were talking about members.

    No, the big deal is more about the Boy Scout organization banning gay men from being Scout masters, even though these men have been in the Scouts since they were young boys.

    Well,that's a different story. I don't know how this can be enforced unless the person is openly gay.
    There's a big difference between being gay and being a pedophile.
    Taking pedophelia out of the equation, I believe that gay males should not be entrusted to leadership positions when the followers are young boys. Same goes for lesbians leading young girls. For the same reasons as straight males should not lead young females and vice-versa.
    While the risk is very small, the repercussions are too horrible to consider.

    Wow, interesting. So because I'm a lesbian, that makes me not a real woman and this means I do not know things that women know? I'm not responsible enough to lead young girls to teach them things young girls should know? Really? Please, keep the rest of your close minded comments to yourself. I really do not want to know about them.

    Nothing personal, but I would be as uncomfortable having a straight male lead a group of young girls as I would a lesbian leading the same group. For exactly the same reasons. Like I said, the risk of any impropriety occurring is very small. Nonetheless, why risk it ?

    So then we should ban unisex classrooms with male teachers teaching girls and female teachers teaching young boys and if a child is kept after school, the the teacher supervising that child kept after school should be the same sex as the child.

    Classroom settings are entirely different and very easily controlled. Extra-curricular activities are usually more prone to potential risky activity. The latter, including after-school detention, for example, should be supervised by the genders I recommended.

    Who mentioned paedophiles?
    Are all paedophiles GAY?
    News to me.

    I guess you've missed the news stories of male teachers having sex with their female students, along with female teachers having sex with their male students. There's more of that kind of problem than gays (not pedophiles) or lesbians having sex with minors.

    @Romos. News to me too. Where did you get that from?

    For the same reasons as straight males should not lead young females and vice-versa.
    While the risk is very small, the repercussions are too horrible to consider.

    Romos, How does "Like I said, the risk of any impropriety occurring is very small. Nonetheless, why risk it ? " translate into
    "Are all paedophiles GAY?" ?

    You are being disingenuous,my friend.

    Disingenuous I don't think.
    I try not to generalize on delicate matters though.

    If you're not being disingenuous, you're also not answering my question. I'll try it again.

    How does "Like I said, the risk of any impropriety occurring is very small. Nonetheless, why risk it ? " translate into
    "... all paedophiles (are)GAY?" ?

    The question is about "gay"boy scouts,you mentioned taking pedophilia out of the equation,I don't think it had been brought into the equation thus far.

    I have absolutely no problem with gay scouts and scout leaders.  A part of good scouting is to teach kids to respect people that are different from you.  Bad scouting consists of teaching kids predudice.

    Try it, and what becomes a problem, deal with that!  As long as leaders are going through CORI and necessary background checks, it should work.  I have a gay brother, and I would never feel concerned with him around my son, or yours!  He lived in a closet much too long, it wasn't fair...

    Should we separate all gay doctors, EMT people, firefighters, police officers, military people from the straight ones? These are the fields that the Boy Scouts of America hope to direct young boys towards.  A life based on helpfulness, good morals and good character should include unity, not separation. 

    NO, itsmee.  The Boy and Girl Scouts of America were not founded on sexual orientation. The problems arise when there are pedophile leaders or sexually aggressive scouts who intimidate others.  Scouts should be very busy learning and doing so much other stuff that there is no time for sex.

    My sons were Cub Scout and had a pretty good time earning badges and building balsa wood hot rods with their (idiot) dad.  I belonged to 4H and still have and use things I made in 1964 (laundry bag, apron, vase).  Dad used to buy animals at the 4H fair and have them butchered for consumption (which was why the 4H kid raised it). Organizations and classes that give kids responsibilities and opportunities are vital in our society.  Too bad the education system is deleting those home ec, welding, horticulture, auto shop, and fine arts courses in favor of.....uh......why ARE those important courses being phased out???


    Good points. Put those kids in more computer classes so they can all make tons of money. No sense in learning anything that is home or family oriented, with less money but more peace. Sad.

    that makes me sick about the 4H animals >-(

    MCM: I don't know why that would make you sick. FFA and 4H are two organizations that teach youth how to care and raise an animal for food. Those animals were raised with more care than anything you would buy at the grocery store. The animals were auctioned after being shown, and the member earned the money paid for the animal. Supporting the efforts of FFA and 4H members shouldn't make anyone "sick".

    mcm...what??? Don't you think that kids should understand the proper care and feeding of animals? If people knew more about it, they would be horrified about our current food supply and the "warehouse production" that goes on nowadays. Some seem to believe that all of our food just arrives on the well-lit shelf at the grocery store, pre-packaged and ready to eat.

    Totally acceptable!

    I don't think there would be any concern, either the scouts or guides, i have changed my thinking towards Gay Marriages, i am no longer against it.


    Wow. 0.0

    How about biosexual boy/girl,scouts,what troup if any should they be in,??


    Good point, shouldn't matter one way or the other.

    I can't see why there shouild be a problem, my son's both had driving lessons when the were 17 with an instructor who was openly gay, they did not have a problem with that and neither did I, they went off to learn to drive with him knowing he was gay , they trusted him and so did I knowing that he was gay didn't make any difference. A paedophile is more likley to be straight in my opinion, they are different in the sence that you rairly know who they are.

    I don't think any boy or girl should declare themselves gay untill they're at least 18 or 19......b/c young boys are known to experiment with eachother and it doesn't mean they're gay. And it's not unusual for a young teen or pre- teen girl to get a " crush " on her female teacher. That doens't mean they're gay . It's more of a form of hero worship. Their true sexuality will come out more when they're in college or college age.


    My true sexuality came out long before I was 18, I recognized it at around 12 or 13 once I understood sexuality. My parents recognized it long before I did. I think kids should voice what they feel and if at 11 years old they might think they are gay, they should be able to voice it, discuss it and consider it. If they are wrong, they will figure that out. There should be no age limit set regarding a child questioning their sexuality or even deciding their sexuality. It should never be taboo to think about, wonder about or discussed with a responsible adult or family member. Would you ever say that an 11,12,13... year old should not declare at 11+, that he/she is heterosexual?

    I am appalled why do children have to bought into the discussion. It can only be an adult bigot that would ask this question. The majority of children dont even know what gays are unless told by an adult. Just let them have fun without bringing sex into it. Would this have been asked 30 years ago 20 years ago no I dont think so. The world is a bad place, I know we had a war but it was such a better life then. We looked after each other and children were just children living a normal life without talk of sex.    


    The question concerns the Boy Scouts of America and their current ban that keeps gay children and adults from participating in the organization. Blame the Boy Scouts of America for bringing children into it. It appears they are the bigots. TV, music, movies and even cartoons have brought sex to the children. Blame the media for that. Parents need to pay more attention to what their children watch and listen to.
    As for kids not caring about gays....maybe the young ones. But more and more kids nearing puberty are aware of homosexuals and many schools across the USA have student led groups educating others to stop the bullying and violence against gay teens or anyone who is considered different. Yes, it is a new world and these kids have to grow up in it. Today, they need to know more than we did growing up.

    No no no. Why does everyone try to normalize gay and lesbian groups. they will make it all soooo commonplace that our society will just fall into ruin. read up on it. it's not just my opinion. look inot history. Look into the states that have okay'd gay "joinings" They are NOT marriages. Marriages are between a man and a woman. why do you think we were made into the two very different beings. DUH????


    Biggest lot of BS I've heard today, go back to the naughty step.

    Oh please. Try using common sense instead of rhetoric. Start with defining normal. What is normal for you is not normal for your neighbors. Have you done as you are telling others to do? Have you looked at the states that allow gay marriages? Nothing disastrous has happened to those states. The states are not ruined. The UK allows gay marriage. The UK still stands today. Same with Canada. Nothing horrible has happened to those countries. Gay marriage has not brought them to ruin. Caution, your ignorance is showing.

    I live in one of those States and voted for gay/lesbian marriages. Our State is not in ruined & now, finally, same sex couples can take advantage of all the rights of marriage.

    You are Crazy and vile we really need such small minded people on here as you?

    While you are enitled to your opinion, and I have thanked you for voicing it, most of us here try to accept others without regard to race, creed, age, sex, geographic location, etc. . As for the BSA and GSA, sexuality should not enter into the focus of the purpose of the scouting organizations.

    Rude to our friends, relatives, and probably half the members of akaqa. I'm with ROMOS who suggested you go back to the Naughty Step.

    DUH???? - Does that stand for "Don't Understand Humans"?, because you clearly are missing the mark concerning humanity.

    I'm going to bet that Gmalovesyou (she certainly does not love gays) is super religious ;)
    Gotta love the religious who put limitations on their love of humanity.

    Colleen: I run into Gmal’s “Ideas” way too often. Arghhh! Religious relatives make me somewhat of an expert.

    Yes, I do think that gays should be allowed in the boy scouts. I can't see what harm it would do. Its the pedaphiles they need to worry about.

    millie111 never ceases to amaze me how many ignorant beings are out there assuming/associating gay people to all be paedophiles..I`d say more but I want to remain in a relatively happy mood today!

    I know, I can't see how they mix the two up when they are so different.

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