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9 Answers
School is for learning more than what is in the lesson plan. A life lesson is that PDA are not acceptable. Not only because they are not acceptable in public, but are a major distraction to the educational process. You are there for learning, not making out! If you are not allowed to date, wait until you are! The school staff, and other students should not be subjected to your actions which should be private, not in school. Interesting that when students do not learn, the parents wish to sue the school system! This as well as the cell phones, etc. are the reasons that kids are not learning, the teachers can do their jobs, the kids and parents must do theirs! From a 35 yr. veteran of teaching high school...
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
just go in the bathroom in the girls or boys turst me it works because i did it
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |

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Karma: 390
it's not for me, it's for my friend. I know they shouldn't kiss in school, because in school, it's work time! But please. Were would u kiss? And how to keep it a secret?